Social Psychology Experiments and Phenomena Quiz

Test your knowledge of social psychology with questions on obedience, conformity, cognitive biases, and more. Find out how much you know!


What term is used to describe the tendency of people to perform better when they know they are being observed?

Hawthorne effect
Confirmation bias
Cognitive dissonance
Self-fulfilling prophecy

Who proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance?

Albert Bandura
Leon Festinger
Philip Zimbardo
Solomon Asch

Who conducted the 'conformity experiments' using lines of different lengths?

Philip Zimbardo
Stanley Milgram
Solomon Asch
Albert Bandura

Which social psychology experiment demonstrated the power of obedience to authority?

Asch conformity experiment
Stanford prison experiment
Milgram experiment
Robbers Cave experiment

Who conducted the famous 'Bobo doll experiment' to study aggression in children?

Philip Zimbardo
Leon Festinger
Albert Bandura
Stanley Milgram

What phenomenon refers to the tendency for individuals to exert less effort when they are part of a group working toward a common goal?

Social loafing
Group polarization
Fundamental attribution error

In the 'Stanford prison experiment', who was assigned the role of prison guards?

Volunteers from the community
Randomly selected participants
Only college students

Which cognitive bias refers to the tendency to attribute one's successes to internal factors and failures to external factors?

Confirmation bias
Self-serving bias
Hindsight bias
Availability heuristic

What is the term for the tendency of individuals to conform to the majority opinion, even if it goes against their personal beliefs?

Normative social influence
Informational social influence
Conformity bias

Which theory of social psychology suggests that individuals seek to evaluate their abilities and opinions by comparing them to those of others?

Social exchange theory
Social identity theory
Social comparison theory
Self-perception theory

Who proposed the concept of the 'fundamental attribution error'?

Stanley Milgram
Solomon Asch
Albert Bandura
Lee Ross

What is the term for the tendency to attribute others' behavior to internal characteristics, while attributing our own behavior to external factors?

Fundamental attribution error
Self-serving bias
Confirmation bias

Who proposed the 'self-perception theory'?

Leon Festinger
Albert Bandura
Daryl Bem
Stanley Milgram

What is the term for the tendency to overestimate the impact of internal factors and underestimate the influence of external factors when analyzing others' behavior?

Actor-observer bias
Confirmation bias
Fundamental attribution error
Self-serving bias

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