Social Influence and Behavioral Patterns Quiz

Explore normative and informational social influence, Asch and Milgram experiments, conformity, obedience, and more.


Which of the following is an example of normative social influence?

Laughing at a joke because others are laughing
Wearing a particular brand of clothing because a celebrity endorses it
Following traffic rules to avoid accidents
Participating in a charity event

What term is used to describe the tendency for individuals to conform to the group’s decision, even when that decision is objectively wrong?

Social facilitation

According to the Asch conformity experiments, what percentage of participants conformed to the incorrect group answer at least once?


Which of the following is an example of informational social influence?

Buying a product because it's endorsed by a celebrity
Copying someone's behavior in an emergency situation
Following fashion trends to fit in with peers
Investing in a stock because a financial expert recommends it

Which of the following factors increases the likelihood of conformity?

Decreased group size
Increased group unanimity
Diversity of opinions within the group
Presence of an authoritative figure

What term refers to the tendency for individuals to exert less effort when working collectively in a group than when working individually?

Social loafing
Group polarization

Which experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram explored obedience to authority figures?

The Stanford prison experiment
The Robbers Cave experiment
The Asch conformity experiments
The Milgram experiment

What is the main difference between normative and informational social influence?

Normative social influence is based on the desire to be correct, while informational social influence is based on the desire to be accepted.
Normative social influence involves conformity to avoid rejection, while informational social influence involves conformity to gain knowledge.
Normative social influence occurs in ambiguous situations, while informational social influence occurs in clear-cut situations.
Normative social influence leads to internalization, while informational social influence leads to compliance.

In Milgram's obedience experiment, what percentage of participants administered the highest level of electric shock to the learner?


What ethical concerns were raised by Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments?

The experiments lacked ecological validity
Participants were exposed to psychological harm
The experiments were too simplistic
The results were not statistically significant

What is meant by the term 'reactance' in the context of social influence?

The tendency to comply with a request in order to appear consistent with previous behavior
The negative emotional response to being persuaded or coerced into adopting a belief or behavior
The process of gradually reducing the intensity of an aversive stimulus
The tendency for individuals to overestimate the extent to which others share their beliefs and behaviors

Which psychological phenomenon explains why people tend to conform to the behavior or opinions of a majority, even if they privately disagree?

Cognitive dissonance
Social facilitation
Pluralistic ignorance
The sleeper effect

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where individuals are more likely to conform to a group's norms when they are observed by others?

Public compliance
Private acceptance
Social identity
Reciprocity norm

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