Nursing Care for Obstetric Patients Experiencing Preterm Labor Quiz

Test your knowledge on preterm labor management, fetal assessment, interventions, and nursing care in perinatal nursing.


Which hormone plays a crucial role in initiating labor?


Which vital sign should a nurse closely monitor in a patient experiencing preterm labor?

Blood pressure
Body temperature
Pulse oximetry
Heart rate

Which of the following symptoms is an indicator of preterm labor?

Braxton Hicks contractions
Increased fetal movements
Regular uterine contractions with pelvic pressure

What is the recommended gestational age for viability outside the womb?

20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks

Which uterine contraction pattern is indicative of preterm labor?

Braxton Hicks contractions
Irregular contractions
Occasional tightening
Regular and rhythmic contractions

What is the term for the membrane that surrounds the fetus and amniotic fluid during pregnancy?

Fallopian tube

Which of the following is a risk factor for preterm labor?

Maternal age below 20
Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.)
Healthy weight
Regular prenatal care

What is the primary goal of providing emotional support to a patient in preterm labor?

To distract the patient from pain
To encourage early ambulation
To reduce stress and anxiety
To promote fetal movements

Which fetal position is considered optimal for a vaginal delivery?

Occiput anterior
Face presentation

What is the purpose of administering progesterone to a patient at risk of preterm labor?

To induce labor
To prevent infections
To inhibit uterine contractions
To increase fetal heart rate

What fetal assessment method is commonly used to monitor the well-being of the fetus during preterm labor?

Fetal kick count
Maternal blood pressure
Amniotic fluid index
Electronic fetal monitoring (EFM)

What intervention is commonly used to delay preterm labor and promote fetal lung maturity?

Administering tocolytic drugs
Performing a cesarean section
Encouraging increased physical activity
Administering antibiotics

In the context of preterm labor, what is the purpose of antenatal corticosteroids?

To reduce maternal stress
To enhance fetal growth
To prevent infections
To promote fetal lung development

What is the role of magnesium sulfate in the management of preterm labor?

To promote uterine contractions
To prevent hemorrhage
To provide pain relief
Tocolysis and neuroprotection

During preterm labor, what maternal position may help relieve pressure on the cervix and reduce contractions?

Left lateral
Sitting upright

In preterm labor, what is the significance of cervical length measurement using ultrasound?

To assess fetal weight
To predict preterm birth risk
To determine amniotic fluid volume
To diagnose preeclampsia

What maternal education is crucial for preventing preterm labor?

Promoting caffeine consumption
Encouraging smoking during pregnancy
Stress management and relaxation techniques
Avoiding prenatal vitamins

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