Workplace Safety Essentials Quiz

Test your knowledge on safety engineering with this quiz covering PPE, hazard control, OSHA, and more. How well do you know workplace safety?


What does PPE stand for in the context of workplace safety?

Personal Protective Equipment
Public Protection Environment
Preventive Personnel Equipment
Personal Prevention Essentials

Which of the following is NOT a common cause of workplace accidents?

Unsafe working conditions
Lack of training
Strict safety regulations

Which of the following is NOT a type of workplace hazard?

Physical hazards
Psychological hazards
Biological hazards
Economical hazards

What is the purpose of a safety data sheet (SDS) in the workplace?

To provide instructions for assembling equipment
To communicate information about chemical hazards
To track employee attendance
To manage payroll

What is the purpose of an incident report in the context of workplace safety?

To document workplace accidents and near misses
To report employee misconduct
To request time off
To submit a complaint about a coworker

Which of the following is an example of a physical workplace hazard?

Workplace bullying
Poor air quality
Inadequate training
Lack of promotional opportunities

What is the purpose of an SDS (Safety Data Sheet) in the workplace?

To outline the company's sales data
To provide information on the hazards of chemicals
To list employee contact information
To keep track of production schedules

What does the acronym OSHA stand for in the context of workplace safety?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Office of Safety and Hazard Assessment
Organization for Safety and Health Advancement
Occupational Safety and Hazard Association

What does the acronym MSDS stand for in the context of workplace safety?

Material Safety Data Sheet
Management of Safety Data Sheets
Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets
Material Supply Data Sheet

What is the purpose of a safety audit in the workplace?

To evaluate the effectiveness of safety measures
To increase productivity
To conduct employee performance reviews
To assess financial performance

Which of the following is an example of a workplace ergonomic hazard?

Poor lighting
High noise levels
Repetitive motion injuries
Exposure to toxic chemicals

What is the purpose of a job safety analysis (JSA) in the workplace?

To assess the financial performance of a company
To evaluate employee job satisfaction
To identify and mitigate workplace hazards
To determine employee promotion eligibility

What is the correct order for the hierarchy of controls for workplace hazards, from most effective to least effective?

Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, PPE
Engineering Controls, PPE, Administrative Controls, Substitution
PPE, Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls
Administrative Controls, Engineering Controls, Substitution, PPE

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