Emergency Obstetric Nursing Care Quiz

Test your knowledge on obstetric emergencies, medications, interventions, and nursing care. Essential for maternal nursing professionals!


Which of the following is a common cause of obstetric emergencies?

Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Regular prenatal care
Healthy diet during pregnancy
Adequate rest during pregnancy
1 answered

Which vital sign is particularly important to monitor in a patient with preeclampsia?

Blood pressure
Heart rate
Respiratory rate
1 answered

What is the first-line medication for managing postpartum hemorrhage?

1 answered

Which of the following is a sign of fetal distress during labor?

Increased fetal movement
Variable decelerations in fetal heart rate
Maternal hypertension
Decreased uterine contractions
1 answered

What is the primary cause of postpartum hemorrhage?

Uterine atony
Placental abruption
Amniotic fluid embolism
Uterine inversion
1 answered

What is the first step in managing a patient with obstetric hemorrhage?

Administering antibiotics
Immediate delivery
Fluid resuscitation
Assessing the airway
1 answered

Which medication is commonly used to manage eclampsia?

Magnesium sulfate
1 answered

What is the recommended treatment for shoulder dystocia during childbirth?

Continuous fundal pressure
Encouraging the mother to push harder
McRoberts maneuver
1 answered

What is the primary risk factor for uterine rupture during labor?

Maternal age over 40
Previous cesarean section
Low fetal weight
Premature rupture of membranes
1 answered

Which of the following is a potential complication of amniotic fluid embolism?

Cardiac arrest
Peripheral edema
1 answered

What is the most common cause of maternal mortality worldwide?

Obstetric hemorrhage
Pregnancy-induced hypertension
1 answered

In which trimester of pregnancy does placenta previa typically present with bleeding?

First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester
Any trimester
1 answered

Which of the following is a sign of placental abruption?

Painless vaginal bleeding
Fetal heart decelerations
Increased fetal movement
1 answered

What is the primary objective of resuscitation in maternal cardiac arrest?

Restoring blood pressure
Administering oxygen
Initiating CPR
Reversing metabolic acidosis
1 answered

Which condition is characterized by excessive vomiting during pregnancy?

Hyperemesis gravidarum
Placenta previa
Abruptio placentae
1 answered

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