Hazardous Materials Transportation and Classification Quiz

Test your knowledge on hazardous materials transportation with questions on classes, placards, regulations, and more.


What is the primary hazard class for explosives in hazardous materials transportation?

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4

What is the proper name for the 'flammable gas' hazard class in hazardous materials transportation?

Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4

What does the 'PG' stand for in hazardous materials transportation?

Packaging Group
Packing Guidelines
Protection Grade
Precautionary Group

Which hazard class includes materials that are spontaneously combustible?

Class 1
Class 2
Class 4
Class 5

Which placard is used to indicate the presence of radioactive materials in transportation?

Placard 1203
Placard 1987
Placard 2909
Placard 2910

Which placard is used to indicate a material is toxic or poisonous in transportation?

Placard 1203
Placard 1987
Placard 1760
Placard 1993

What is the shipping name for UN 1075?

Carbon Dioxide

What is the primary purpose of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) in hazardous materials transportation?

To provide guidance for hazardous materials classification
To facilitate communication between emergency responders and shippers
To specify packaging requirements for hazardous materials
To regulate hazardous materials transportation

What does the 'UN' stand for in UN numbers used to classify hazardous materials?

United Network
United Nations
Uniform Numbers
Universal Notation

Which hazard class does carbon dioxide fall under in hazardous materials transportation?

Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 9

Which of the following is a required document for shipping hazardous materials by road?

Bill of Lading
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Dangerous Goods Declaration
Packing List

Which organization sets international standards for the transportation of dangerous goods?


What is the 'Technical Name' used for in hazardous materials transportation documentation?

Alternative name for the substance
Name given by the manufacturer
Common name for the substance
Name used in technical reports

Which organization develops and publishes the 'Orange Book'?


Which agency is responsible for enforcing hazardous materials regulations in the United States?


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