Principles of Behavior Analysis and Modification Quiz

Test your knowledge of behavior analysis with questions on reinforcement, extinction, shaping, and more in this comprehensive quiz.


What is the primary focus of behavior analysis?

Studying cognitive processes
Analyzing environmental variables
Exploring genetic factors
Investigating emotional states

Which of the following is a basic principle of behavior analysis?

Operant conditioning
Attachment theory
Psychoanalytic theory

In behavior modification, what does the acronym ABC stand for?

Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
Analysis, Behavior, Contingency
Attention, Behavior, Cognition
Automatic, Behavior, Compulsion

What is the term for removing a stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior?

Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Positive punishment
Negative punishment

What is extinction in behavior analysis?

Introducing a new behavior
Increasing the frequency of a behavior
Decreasing the frequency of a behavior by withholding reinforcement
Rewarding every occurrence of a behavior

Which of the following is an example of a behavior modification technique?

Token economy
Dream analysis

What is a discriminative stimulus in behavior analysis?

A stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior
A stimulus that increases the likelihood of a behavior
A stimulus that signals when a behavior will be reinforced
A stimulus that is irrelevant to the behavior being studied

What is meant by the term 'chaining' in behavior modification?

Combining two behaviors to form a new behavior
Reinforcing successive approximations of a desired behavior
Breaking down a complex behavior into smaller, manageable parts
Reinforcing a behavior immediately upon its occurrence

Which schedule of reinforcement involves reinforcing a behavior after a variable number of responses?

Fixed ratio
Variable ratio
Fixed interval
Variable interval

What is shaping in behavior modification?

Punishing unwanted behaviors
Gradually molding or reinforcing behaviors that approximate the desired behavior
Strengthening desired behaviors through rewards
Using operant conditioning to induce fear

What is a primary reinforcer?

A reinforcer that derives its value from being associated with other reinforcers
A reinforcer that is inherently satisfying, such as food or water
A reinforcer that is not contingent upon the behavior
A reinforcer that is used to shape behavior in the early stages of learning

What does the Premack principle state?

Behaviors that are high frequency can reinforce behaviors that are low frequency
Behaviors that are low frequency can reinforce behaviors that are high frequency
Behaviors are reinforced based on their intrinsic value
Behaviors are reinforced based on their extrinsic value

In behavior analysis, what is a behavior contract?

A legally binding agreement between two parties regarding behavior
A written agreement outlining specific behaviors and consequences
An oral agreement between a therapist and client
A verbal agreement between parents and children

What is meant by the term 'functional analysis' in behavior analysis?

Analyzing the function of a behavior within a social context
Assessing the biological basis of behavior
Studying the evolutionary origins of behavior
Identifying the antecedents and consequences that maintain a behavior

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