End-of-Life Care Assessment Quiz

Test your knowledge on end-of-life care assessment, including goals, tools, ethical considerations, and support services. Get ready to dive into the nuances of palliative care.


What is the primary goal of end-of-life care assessment?

To prolong life at any cost
To provide comfort and dignity to patients nearing the end of life
To increase hospital revenue
To prioritize experimental treatments

Which healthcare professional is primarily responsible for conducting end-of-life care assessments?

General practitioner
Palliative care specialist

What is the role of a hospice in end-of-life care?

To provide curative treatments
To offer respite care for family members
To extend hospital stays
To focus on palliative care for terminally ill patients

What is the term for a medical intervention aimed at relieving symptoms but not curing the underlying disease in end-of-life care?

Palliative care
Curative care
Intensive care
Experimental care

Which of the following is a common goal of end-of-life care communication?

To withhold information from patients and their families
To promote unrealistic expectations about recovery
To facilitate shared decision-making
To discourage patient and family involvement

What is the primary purpose of respite care in end-of-life care?

To provide a break for healthcare providers
To delay the progression of the disease
To administer aggressive treatments
To offer temporary relief for caregivers

What is the primary focus of palliative care in end-of-life settings?

Curing the disease
Providing comfort and improving quality of life
Delaying discussions about end-of-life preferences
Enforcing aggressive medical interventions

What is the purpose of an advance directive in end-of-life care?

To outline preferences for medical treatment in case a patient becomes incapacitated
To schedule hospice care appointments
To determine the cause of death
To provide immediate medical interventions

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom addressed in end-of-life care?


Which of the following is NOT a component of a holistic approach to end-of-life care?

Physical comfort
Emotional support
Financial planning
Spiritual care

Which assessment tool is commonly used to evaluate pain intensity in non-verbal patients during end-of-life care?

Numerical Rating Scale (NRS)
Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Faces Pain Scale
Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS)

Which organization provides guidelines for end-of-life care practices in the United States?

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)

What is the term used to describe the legal document that appoints someone to make healthcare decisions on behalf of an individual who is unable to do so?

Advanced care plan
Living will
Healthcare proxy
Medical power of attorney

What does the acronym POLST stand for in the context of end-of-life care?

Physician's Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment
Program for Organized Life-Supportive Therapy
Plan for Optimal Life-Sustaining Treatment
Prevention of Life-Support Termination

In the context of end-of-life care, what does DNR stand for?

Do Not Resuscitate
Disease Neutralization Ratio
Direct Neurological Restoration
Dietary Nutrient Requirement

In end-of-life care, what is meant by the term 'terminal sedation'?

A technique used to artificially extend life
The administration of medication to alleviate suffering by inducing unconsciousness
The termination of life support against the patient's wishes
The process of transitioning a patient to hospice care

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