Essential Concepts in Maternal and Newborn Care Quiz

Test your knowledge on pregnancy, childbirth, & newborn care. Explore hormones, complications, immunizations & more in perinatal health.


Which hormone is responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy?


Which of the following is a common sign of preeclampsia?

Decreased urine output
High blood pressure
Low blood sugar levels
Increased platelet count

Which immunization is recommended to be given to a newborn within the first 24 hours of life?

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Poliovirus vaccine

What condition is characterized by a newborn's yellowish skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels?


What is the recommended sleep position for newborns to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?

On their stomach
On their side
On their back
In a semi-upright position

At what gestational age is a fetus generally considered viable outside of the womb, with medical support?

20 weeks
22 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks

What is the APGAR score used to evaluate?

The newborn's ability to breastfeed
The newborn's transition to life outside the womb
The mother's health post-delivery
The effectiveness of labor contractions

What is the primary purpose of the 'kangaroo care' method in newborns?

To enhance parental bonding
To improve thermoregulation in preterm infants
To increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers
To facilitate early immunization

What is the term used for the first stool passed by a newborn, which is sticky, greenish-black, and occurs within the first 24 to 48 hours after birth?

Vernix caseosa

Which of the following maternal conditions is most commonly associated with the delivery of a macrosomic (large for gestational age) infant?

Gestational diabetes
Chronic hypertension
Thyroid disorders

What is considered a normal range for fetal heart rate?

60-80 beats per minute
80-100 beats per minute
110-160 beats per minute
180-200 beats per minute

Which maternal condition is a contraindication for breastfeeding?

Gestational diabetes
HIV infection

What is the main purpose of the 'heel stick' test in newborns?

To assess the infant's pain response
To collect blood for genetic testing
To screen for metabolic and genetic disorders
To check glucose levels

What is the medical term for high blood pressure during pregnancy that develops after 20 weeks of gestation and resolves after delivery?

Chronic hypertension
Gestational hypertension

What does the term 'episiotomy' refer to?

A surgical incision made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening for delivery
The spontaneous tearing of the perineum during childbirth
A type of anesthesia administered during labor
The process of the baby turning head down in preparation for birth

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