Types of Geographic Representation Quiz

Test your knowledge on various types of map projections and geographic representations in this cartography quiz.


Which type of geographic representation portrays the Earth's surface as if it were being viewed from space?

Topographic map
Thematic map
Satellite image

What does a choropleth map represent?

Elevation changes
Population density
Transportation networks
Climate zones

What is the purpose of a cartogram?

To display elevation changes
To display population distribution
To display transportation networks
To display political boundaries

Which type of geographic representation focuses on human-made features such as roads, cities, and political boundaries?

Topographic map
Thematic map
Cadastral map
Political map

What does a dot distribution map represent?

Elevation changes
Population density
Transportation networks
Climate zones

Which type of geographic representation focuses on the ownership and boundaries of land parcels?

Topographic map
Thematic map
Cadastral map
Political map

Which type of map is typically used to display spatial patterns of a specific theme such as population distribution or voting patterns?

Topographic map
Thematic map
Cadastral map
Geologic map

What is the Mercator projection known for?

Preserving area accurately
Preserving direction accurately
Preserving distance accurately
Preserving shape accurately

What characteristic of a map projection is preserved in an azimuthal projection?


Which type of geographic representation is useful for showing direction and distance accurately but distorts area and shape?

Azimuthal projection
Conic projection
Cylindrical projection
Gnomonic projection

Which type of map projection is commonly used for maritime navigation?

Mercator projection
Robinson projection
Gnomonic projection
Orthographic projection

Which type of map projection is often used for displaying polar regions?

Azimuthal projection
Conic projection
Cylindrical projection
Mercator projection

Which type of geographic representation distorts the sizes of land areas relative to their actual sizes on the Earth's surface?

Equal-area projection
Conic projection
Cylindrical projection
Mercator projection

What characteristic of a map projection is preserved in an equal-area projection?


Which type of map projection preserves both shape and area relatively accurately, but distorts distance and direction?

Mercator projection
Robinson projection
Mollweide projection
Gall–Peters projection

Which type of map projection is used to create a 3D representation of the Earth's surface?

Mercator projection
Robinson projection
Gnomonic projection
Orthographic projection

Which type of map projection preserves shapes but distorts areas and directions?

Conic projection
Gnomonic projection
Mercator projection
Sinusoidal projection

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