Developmental Stages in Moral Reasoning Quiz

Test your knowledge on ethical development with questions on Kohlberg's moral stages, theorists, and critiques. Dive into moral reasoning now!


Which theorist proposed the theory of moral development based on stages?

Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
Lawrence Kohlberg
Sigmund Freud

Which term is used to describe the process of reasoning about what is right or wrong?

Moral development
Ethical dilemma
Moral reasoning
Conscience formation

Which psychologist proposed the moral development theory known as the 'social intuitionist model'?

Lawrence Kohlberg
Carol Gilligan
Jonathan Haidt
Erik Erikson

According to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, which stage of moral development involves obedience to authority and avoiding punishment?


At what age do children typically enter Lawrence Kohlberg's Stage 1 of moral reasoning?

1-2 years old
3-7 years old
8-12 years old

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, what is the primary motivation in Stage 2 of moral reasoning?

Seeking approval from others
Avoiding punishment
Gaining rewards
Satisfying personal needs

Who expanded on Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development by including the role of cultural and social factors?

Jean Piaget
Carol Gilligan
Erik Erikson
John Dewey

Which stage of moral development is characterized by adherence to rules to avoid punishment or gain rewards?


Which of the following is NOT one of Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development?


What distinguishes Stage 6 of Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development theory?

Adherence to social norms
Universal ethical principles
Conformity to authority
Personal gain

According to Lawrence Kohlberg, what is the focus of moral reasoning in the conventional stage?

Internal principles and values
Cultural norms and societal rules
Universal ethical principles
Personal needs and desires

In Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, what is the term used for the moral reasoning based on the potential for mutual benefit?

Social contract orientation
Universal ethical principles
Instrumental relativist orientation
Conventional reasoning

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