Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences Quiz

Test your knowledge of research methods in behavioral sciences with these quiz questions covering qualitative methods, experimental design, statistical analysis, and more.


Which of the following is a qualitative research method?

Case study
Correlational study

What is the primary purpose of a control group in an experiment?

To receive the experimental treatment
To provide a baseline for comparison
To ensure ethical standards are met
To manipulate independent variables

Which of the following sampling techniques involves selecting participants who are easily accessible or convenient?

Stratified sampling
Random sampling
Convenience sampling
Cluster sampling

Which of the following is a measure of central tendency?

Standard deviation
Correlation coefficient

What is the purpose of a hypothesis in scientific research?

To summarize the findings of a study
To provide a tentative explanation for observed phenomena
To collect data from participants
To analyze the statistical significance of results

Which of the following is a measure of dispersion?

Standard deviation

What is the purpose of random sampling in research?

To ensure all members of the population have an equal chance of being selected
To select participants based on their availability
To ensure the sample is representative of the population
To manipulate independent variables

Which statistical test is used to determine the relationship between two continuous variables?

Chi-square test
Pearson correlation

What is the purpose of random assignment in experimental research?

To ensure that the sample is representative of the population
To eliminate bias in assigning participants to groups
To control for extraneous variables
To determine causality

What is the purpose of informed consent in research involving human participants?

To ensure participants are paid for their time
To protect participants from harm and ensure they understand the study
To guarantee publication of research findings
To recruit a diverse sample

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a cross-sectional research design?

It allows for the study of developmental changes over time
It is less costly and time-consuming compared to longitudinal designs
It is prone to cohort effects
It provides more in-depth understanding of individual differences

What is the purpose of debriefing in research involving human participants?

To provide participants with additional compensation
To thank participants for their participation
To inform participants about the purpose of the study and address any concerns
To recruit participants for future studies

What is the purpose of a pilot study in research?

To collect data from the entire population
To test the feasibility and effectiveness of research procedures
To analyze the final results of the study
To ensure the study is statistically significant

Which of the following is an example of a quasi-experimental design?

Randomized controlled trial
Pretest-posttest design
Between-subjects design
None of the above

Which type of research design involves observing and recording behavior in its natural environment?

Experimental design
Quasi-experimental design
Observational design
Cross-sectional design

What is the difference between reliability and validity in research?

Reliability refers to consistency, while validity refers to accuracy
Reliability refers to accuracy, while validity refers to consistency
Reliability and validity are the same concept
Reliability and validity are unrelated concepts

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