In which year was Jacinto Contreras born?
What inspired Jacinto Contreras to start writing?
What was Jacinto Contreras' profession before becoming an author?
Which city did Jacinto Contreras grow up in?
What is the name of Jacinto Contreras' most acclaimed short story collection?
Which literary genre does Jacinto Contreras primarily focus on in his works?
What is the title of Jacinto Contreras' latest published novel?
What is the central theme of Jacinto Contreras' poetry collection?
Which language, other than his native language, did Jacinto Contreras often incorporate in his writings?
What is the title of Jacinto Contreras' debut novel?
Which prestigious literary award did Jacinto Contreras win for his work?
In which year did Jacinto Contreras receive international recognition for his contributions to literature?
Which famous literary figure influenced Jacinto Contreras' writing style?
In which country did Jacinto Contreras spend a significant part of his childhood?
Which literary award did Jacinto Contreras receive for lifetime achievement?