Livestock Management and Husbandry Quiz

Test your knowledge on cattle, sheep, goat, and poultry care with questions on parasites, housing, diseases, and more!


Which of the following is a common method for controlling internal parasites in cattle?

Hoof trimming

What is the term for the process of breeding animals with desirable traits to produce offspring with those traits?

Selective breeding
Random mating
Natural selection

What is the term for the process of removing horns from cattle?

Horn grafting
Horn clipping
Horn branding

Which of the following is a common method for controlling external parasites in livestock?

Ear tagging
Hoof trimming

Which of the following is a method for controlling flies in livestock facilities?

Ear tagging
Tail docking
Fly traps

What is the purpose of a creep feeder in livestock management?

To provide water for young animals
To separate aggressive animals
To allow access to feed for young animals while excluding adults
To administer medication to young animals

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting livestock housing design?

Owner's favorite color
Type of livestock

What is the primary purpose of a squeeze chute in cattle handling?

To provide shade
To restrain cattle for various procedures
To store feed
To administer vaccinations

What is the purpose of the withers in livestock anatomy?

To support the head
To assist in breathing
To attach muscles for movement
To regulate body temperature

Which of the following diseases primarily affects sheep and goats and is caused by a parasitic nematode?

Johne's disease

Which of the following is a common symptom of foot rot in cattle?

Increased appetite
High body temperature
Shiny coat

What is the purpose of a gestation crate in pig farming?

To provide shelter during winter
To separate aggressive pigs
To confine pregnant sows during gestation
To administer vaccinations to piglets

Which of the following is a symptom of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD)?

Increased milk production
Sudden weight gain
Bright and alert appearance

Which of the following is a common mineral deficiency in cattle that can lead to weakened bones and joints?

Copper deficiency
Selenium deficiency
Calcium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency

Which of the following is a method for controlling internal parasites in sheep?

Foot trimming

What is the term for the practice of allowing livestock to graze on natural vegetation in a designated area?

Free-range farming
Intensive farming
Feedlot farming

Which of the following is a symptom of Newcastle disease in poultry?

Wattles turning blue
Decreased egg production

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