Consumer Decision-Making and Influencing Factors Quiz

Test your knowledge on consumer behavior! Explore stages, influences, and theories impacting decision-making. Take the quiz now!


Which of the following is NOT a stage in the consumer decision-making process?

Problem Recognition
Purchase Decision
Post-Purchase Behavior
Product Development

Which factor does NOT typically influence consumer decision-making?

Personal Preferences
Social Media Influencers
Government Regulations
Family and Friends

Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing consumer perception?

Brand Reputation
Product Placement
Consumer Personality

What is the term for a group of people who exert influence on an individual's attitudes or behavior?

Social Network
Reference Group
Target Audience
Peer Group

What is the term for a marketing strategy that involves offering a lower-priced product to attract customers who are likely to purchase more expensive items?

Price Skimming
Loss Leader
Price Discrimination

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an individual's lifestyle?

Activities and Interests
Opinions and Beliefs
Social Class
Values and Attitudes

What theory suggests that consumers have limited capacity for information processing?

Elaboration Likelihood Model
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Social Learning Theory
Information Processing Theory

Which type of consumer buying decision involves a high level of involvement and significant differences between brands?

Routine Decision Making
Complex Decision Making
Limited Decision Making
Impulse Buying

Which psychological factor plays a significant role in affecting consumer decision-making based on emotions and desires?


What is the term for a marketing strategy that aims to create a perception of scarcity to increase demand?

Psychological Pricing
Scarcity Marketing
Fear Appeal
Subliminal Advertising

What type of product typically requires consumers to engage in extended problem-solving?

Staple Goods
Impulse Goods
Heterogeneous Shopping Goods
Specialty Goods

Which marketing concept focuses on satisfying the needs and wants of target markets while meeting organizational objectives?

Societal Marketing Concept
Product Concept
Production Concept
Marketing Concept

In the context of consumer decision-making, what does the term 'perceived risk' refer to?

The risk of physical harm associated with the product
The likelihood of dissatisfaction after purchase
The risk of social embarrassment due to the purchase
The risk of financial loss associated with the purchase

In the context of consumer behavior, what does the term 'cognitive dissonance' refer to?

The tendency to avoid making decisions
The discomfort experienced after making a difficult decision
The process of rationalizing a purchase decision
The conflict between a consumer's beliefs and actions

What is the term for the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to function as consumers?

Consumer Socialization
Consumer Perception
Consumer Motivation
Consumer Learning

What is the term for the set of beliefs and moral values that guide consumer behavior?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

It is a hierarchical model.
Lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs.
All individuals progress through the hierarchy in the same order.
Self-actualization is the highest level of need.

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