Principles and Dynamics of Justice in Society Quiz

Explore the dynamics of justice in society with this jurisprudence quiz. Test your knowledge on legal principles, ethics, and influential theorists.


In legal terms, what does 'innocent until proven guilty' represent?

Presumption of Innocence
Burden of Proof
Due Process
Double Jeopardy

Which principle emphasizes treating all individuals fairly and impartially in the legal system?

Retributive Justice
Restorative Justice
Distributive Justice
Procedural Justice

Who is considered the father of modern utilitarianism and wrote extensively on the concept of justice?

Immanuel Kant
John Stuart Mill
Jeremy Bentham
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which legal principle focuses on restoring harmony and balance rather than punishment for wrongdoing?

Retributive Justice
Restorative Justice
Distributive Justice
Corrective Justice

What is the concept that individuals should receive benefits or burdens based on their actions and contributions to society?

Retributive Justice
Restorative Justice
Distributive Justice
Corrective Justice

In legal systems, what does the term 'stare decisis' mean?

Presumption of Innocence
Let the decision stand
Burden of Proof
Double Jeopardy

What is the legal doctrine that allows a person to be tried for the same crime only once?

Presumption of Innocence
Burden of Proof
Double Jeopardy
Due Process

Which ethical theory suggests that justice is achieved when the distribution of resources is equal among all members of society?


Which legal principle advocates for punishment proportionate to the severity of the offense?

Retributive Justice
Restorative Justice
Proportional Justice
Rehabilitative Justice

In the context of justice, what does 'lex talionis' refer to?

Rule of Law
Equal Protection
Eye for an Eye
Habeas Corpus

Who developed the 'veil of ignorance' thought experiment to explore the concept of justice?

John Rawls
Thomas Hobbes
Niccolò Machiavelli

Which theory of justice emphasizes the importance of fair distribution of resources to create social harmony?

Retributive Justice
Restorative Justice
Distributive Justice
Corrective Justice

Who proposed the idea of 'positive discrimination' as a means to address historical injustices and inequalities?

John Rawls
Martin Luther King Jr.
Amartya Sen
John Stuart Mill

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