Personnel Administration in the U.S. Navy Quiz

Test your knowledge on U.S. Navy personnel administration with 12 challenging questions covering ranks, responsibilities, and systems.


What is the primary mission of the U.S. Navy?

Air superiority
Amphibious warfare
Space exploration

Which of the following is NOT a category of personnel in the U.S. Navy?

Active Duty

Which rank is higher: Rear Admiral or Vice Admiral in the U.S. Navy?

Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
They are equal in rank
Depends on the service branch

What does the acronym 'NAVADMIN' stand for in the U.S. Navy?

Naval Administration
Naval Advisory
Naval Administration Message
Naval Advancement

What is the purpose of the Enlisted Distribution Verification Report (EDVR) in the U.S. Navy?

To track ship deployments
To verify personnel distribution data
To assess training needs
To evaluate fleet readiness

In the U.S. Navy, what is the primary responsibility of a Command Master Chief (CMC)?

Ship navigation
Personnel management
Aircraft maintenance
Medical operations

What is the purpose of the Navy Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (NPAAS) in the U.S. Navy?

To assess physical fitness
To track personnel whereabouts during emergencies
To evaluate job performance
To conduct security clearances

Which of the following is NOT a core value of the U.S. Navy?


Who is responsible for the overall personnel administration in the U.S. Navy?

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Secretary of Defense
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)

What is the purpose of the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) in the U.S. Navy?

To oversee ship construction
To manage personnel assignments and records
To conduct naval intelligence
To lead naval special operations

What is the significance of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS) in the U.S. Navy?

Overseeing ship construction
Managing personnel policies and programs
Conducting naval intelligence
Leading naval special operations

Who is responsible for overseeing the Navy's equal opportunity and diversity programs?

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON)
Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP)
Secretary of the Navy

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