DNA Extraction and Analysis Quiz

Test your knowledge on DNA extraction methods, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and more in this genomics quiz.


Which method is commonly used to extract DNA from cells?

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Gel Electrophoresis
Phenol-Chloroform Extraction

What is the primary function of DNA extraction?

To amplify DNA
To determine the DNA sequence
To isolate DNA from other cellular components
To visualize DNA under a microscope

Which of the following is NOT a step in the DNA extraction process?

Cell lysis
DNA amplification

What is the purpose of adding ethanol or isopropanol during DNA extraction?

To precipitate DNA
To amplify DNA
To lyse cells
To visualize DNA

Which of the following is a common source of DNA for extraction?

Endoplasmic Reticulum
1 answered

What is the role of a buffer solution in DNA extraction?

To dissolve DNA
To maintain pH and prevent denaturation of DNA
To break down proteins
To precipitate DNA

Which enzyme is commonly used to break down proteins during DNA extraction?

Restriction enzyme

What does PCR stand for in the context of DNA analysis?

Polymeric Chain Reaction
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Primary Chromosome Replication
Protein Coding Region

Which technique is commonly used to analyze DNA sequences?

Sanger sequencing
Western Blotting

What is the purpose of running a DNA ladder alongside samples during gel electrophoresis?

To amplify DNA
To determine the DNA sequence
To estimate the size of DNA fragments
To visualize DNA under a microscope
1 answered

Which method is used to analyze DNA methylation patterns?

Bisulfite sequencing
Sanger sequencing

What is the function of a DNA polymerase enzyme in PCR?

To break down DNA strands
To amplify DNA
To separate DNA strands
To synthesize new DNA strands

Which technique is used to visualize DNA fragments after gel electrophoresis?

Southern Blotting
Northern Blotting
Western Blotting
Eastern Blotting

Which of the following techniques is used to analyze gene expression?

Northern Blotting
Southern Blotting

Which technique allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple DNA sequences in a single reaction?

Southern Blotting
Multiplex PCR
Sanger sequencing

Which technique is used to analyze DNA-protein interactions based on their physical association?

Western Blotting
Southern Blotting

Which technique is used to study DNA-protein interactions based on their affinity?

Southern Blotting
Western Blotting

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