Personal identity and self-expression in cultural contexts Quiz

Test your knowledge on cultural psychology with questions on self-expression, cultural identity, and social cognition. Explore key concepts in personal identity and cultural contexts.


Which of the following best defines 'cultural identity'?

The feeling of belonging to a particular ethnic group
The way an individual expresses themselves within a culture
The set of norms and practices unique to a specific culture
The internalization of cultural values and beliefs

What term refers to the process of adopting elements of another culture, often without understanding or respecting its original context or significance?

Cultural appropriation
Cultural exchange
Cultural diffusion
Cultural integration

According to Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory, what is the primary developmental task during adolescence?

Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Integrity vs. Despair

Who proposed the 'cognitive development theory,' suggesting that individuals develop increasingly complex understandings of the world through a series of stages?

Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
Lawrence Kohlberg

What term describes the process through which individuals from different cultural backgrounds interact and exchange ideas, practices, and products?

Cultural assimilation
Cultural exchange
Cultural integration
Cultural diffusion

Which philosopher is famously associated with the concept of the 'self' as a bundle of perceptions and experiences?

John Locke
Rene Descartes
David Hume
Immanuel Kant

In cultural psychology, what term refers to the process through which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a culture?


Which psychological theory proposes that individuals develop their sense of self through interactions with others and their perceptions of how others view them?

Social learning theory
Self-concept theory
Symbolic interactionism
Trait theory

What term describes the phenomenon where individuals from marginalized groups adopt the cultural practices and norms of the dominant culture?

Cultural relativism
Internalized oppression
Cultural assimilation

What term describes the process through which individuals adapt their behavior to fit the cultural norms and expectations of their surroundings?

Cultural relativism
Cultural assimilation

In which stage of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development do individuals adhere to rules and conventions to maintain social order?

Preconventional stage
Conventional stage
Postconventional stage
Autonomous stage

Who coined the term 'intersectionality' to describe the overlapping and interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender?

Gloria Anzaldúa
Audre Lorde
Kimberlé Crenshaw
bell hooks

In the context of cultural psychology, what does 'bicultural identity integration' refer to?

The complete assimilation into one's dominant culture
The ability to seamlessly switch between two cultural identities
The internal conflict experienced by individuals with dual cultural backgrounds
The rejection of one's heritage culture in favor of the dominant culture

Who introduced the concept of 'cultural schemas' as mental frameworks that organize and guide our understanding of the world based on cultural norms and expectations?

George Herbert Mead
Lev Vygotsky
Jean Piaget
Richard Shweder

Which psychological concept refers to the tendency of individuals to overemphasize internal characteristics when explaining the behavior of others while underemphasizing external factors?

Fundamental attribution error
Confirmation bias
Cognitive dissonance
Social loafing

Who proposed the theory of 'cultural syndromes,' suggesting that cultures develop unique patterns of behavior and cognition in response to their environments?

Richard Shweder
Edward T. Hall
Geert Hofstede
Fons Trompenaars

What term describes the process of reconciling conflicting cultural identities, often experienced by individuals from multicultural backgrounds?

Cultural assimilation
Ethnic identity development
Cultural hybridity
Bicultural identity integration

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