Mental and Emotional Health and Coping Strategies Quiz

Test your knowledge on stress, mindfulness, coping mechanisms, and emotional intelligence. Enhance your understanding of mental well-being.


Which of the following is a common symptom of stress?

Increased energy levels
Improved concentration
Muscle tension
Enhanced sleep quality

What is the primary purpose of a gratitude journal?

Recording negative experiences
Expressing complaints
Focusing on positive aspects and experiences
Ignoring daily events

Which activity is often recommended for promoting mental well-being?

Excessive multitasking
Regular physical exercise
Isolation from others
Ignoring emotions

Which technique involves consciously redirecting attention to the present moment?


What is the connection between social support and mental health?

No impact on mental health
Negative impact on mental health
Positive impact on mental health
Induces stress

What is mindfulness meditation primarily focused on?

Predicting the future
Staying in the present moment
Reflecting on the past
Daydreaming about the future

Which neurotransmitter is often associated with feelings of happiness and pleasure?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

What is the primary goal of emotional intelligence?

To suppress emotions
To understand, manage, and express emotions effectively
To avoid emotional experiences
To ignore emotional cues

Which hormone is commonly associated with the 'fight or flight' response?


Which neurotransmitter is often associated with mood regulation and sleep-wake cycles?


Which of the following is considered a maladaptive coping mechanism?

Seeking social support
Mindfulness meditation
Substance abuse
Physical exercise

What is the primary focus of positive psychology?

Examining mental disorders
Exploring human strengths and well-being
Promoting negative emotions
Ignoring emotional experiences

What is a common cognitive distortion in distorted thinking patterns?

Mindful awareness
Reality testing
Emotional expression

Which coping strategy involves replacing negative thoughts with positive ones?

Cognitive restructuring

What does the acronym 'CBT' stand for in the context of mental health?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Creative Body Techniques
Caffeine Boosting Treatment
Careful Breathing Techniques

What is a potential consequence of chronic stress on the immune system?

Enhanced immune function
Reduced immune function
No impact on the immune system
Improved vaccine response

What does the acronym 'DBT' stand for in the context of mental health?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dynamic Body Techniques
Digital Brain Training
Dietary Balance and Treatment

Which cognitive distortion involves seeing things in only two categories, with no middle ground?

All-or-Nothing Thinking

What is the primary purpose of the 'ABC' model in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

Assessing Breathing Capacity
Analyzing Beliefs and Consequences
Acquiring Basic Coping skills
Avoiding Behavioral Changes

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