Student Privacy and Educational Records Quiz

Test your knowledge on FERPA, its regulations, and student privacy rights with these 16 questions on educational records and privacy law.


Which law protects student privacy and regulates the release of student records?


What does FERPA stand for?

Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Freedom of Educational Records and Privacy Act
Federal Educational Records and Privacy Agreement

What is the primary purpose of FERPA?

To restrict access to educational records
To protect student privacy
To increase student accountability
To monitor teacher performance

Which federal agency is responsible for enforcing FERPA?

Department of Education
Department of Health and Human Services
Federal Trade Commission
National Security Agency

Who has the right to access a student's educational records under FERPA?

Only the student's teachers
Any government agency
Only the student's parents
The student and designated school officials

What type of information is considered an educational record under FERPA?

Only grades and test scores
Any information directly related to a student
Only disciplinary records
Information shared on social media

Under FERPA, what is directory information?

Sensitive student data
Information that can only be accessed by parents
Publicly available information
Information about a student's medical history

What entity enforces FERPA regulations?

Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Education
Federal Trade Commission
National Security Agency

Can students review and request changes to their educational records under FERPA?

Yes, students have full control over their records
No, students cannot request any changes
Yes, but only if they are 18 or older
No, only parents have that right

Which of the following is NOT considered personally identifiable information (PII) under FERPA?

Student's name
Student's date of birth
Student's email address
Student's favorite color

What is a consequence for schools that violate FERPA regulations?

Loss of accreditation
Fines and loss of federal funding
Community service requirement
Written warning

Which of the following is NOT considered an exception to FERPA's consent requirement?

Health or safety emergency
Disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests
Disclosure to media without student's consent
Disclosure to parents if student is a dependent for tax purposes

Which of the following scenarios is NOT permitted under FERPA?

A teacher discussing a student's academic performance with another teacher
A school sharing a student's grades with a prospective employer with the student's consent
A school posting a student's disciplinary record on a public website
A parent requesting access to their child's educational records without the child's consent

What is the timeline for schools to comply with a parent or eligible student's request to inspect and review educational records under FERPA?

45 days
30 days
60 days
90 days

Which entity must receive written consent from parents or eligible students before disclosing personally identifiable information from educational records under FERPA?

The school district
The student's teachers
The Department of Education
The school's principal

Which of the following is NOT covered under FERPA's definition of 'educational records'?

Disciplinary records
Medical records
Class schedules

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