Influential Figures in Psychology Quiz

Test your knowledge! Identify fathers of psychoanalysis, hierarchy of needs proponents, cognitive development theorists & more.


Who is considered the father of psychoanalysis?

B.F. Skinner
Sigmund Freud
Carl Rogers
Ivan Pavlov

Which psychologist proposed the hierarchy of needs?

Erik Erikson
Albert Bandura
Abraham Maslow
Jean Piaget

Who is known for the theory of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner
Sigmund Freud
Ivan Pavlov
John B. Watson

Which psychologist is associated with the concept of self-actualization?

Carl Rogers
Erik Erikson
Abraham Maslow
Jean Piaget

Which psychologist developed the theory of cognitive dissonance?

Leon Festinger
Solomon Asch
Philip Zimbardo
Stanley Milgram

Who is known for the theory of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner
Erik Erikson
Albert Bandura
Jean Piaget

Who developed the concept of 'collective unconscious'?

Jean Piaget
Carl Jung
Erik Erikson
Albert Ellis

Which psychologist is known for his experiments on obedience?

Carl Rogers
Stanley Milgram
John B. Watson
B.F. Skinner

Who is the proponent of the social learning theory?

Albert Bandura
Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
Lawrence Kohlberg

Which psychologist is known for his work in the area of classical conditioning?

Albert Ellis
Carl Jung
B.F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov

Who is the founder of psychoanalytic therapy?

B.F. Skinner
Sigmund Freud
Carl Rogers
Ivan Pavlov

Which psychologist is associated with the concept of flow?

Carl Jung
Abraham Maslow
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Erik Erikson

Who proposed the theory of cognitive development in children?

Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Lev Vygotsky
Lawrence Kohlberg

Who proposed the theory of attachment in infants?

Erik Erikson
John Bowlby
Mary Ainsworth
Lev Vygotsky

Who proposed the theory of moral development?

Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Lev Vygotsky
Lawrence Kohlberg

Who proposed the theory of 'locus of control'?

Carl Rogers
Abraham Maslow
Julian Rotter
Ivan Pavlov

Who proposed the theory of 'self-determination'?

Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Edward Deci
Lev Vygotsky

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