Decision-Making Styles and Techniques Quiz

Explore various decision-making styles & techniques. Test yourself with 17 insightful questions on decision-making methods & characteristics.


Which decision-making style involves considering the opinions and perspectives of others before making a decision?


Which decision-making technique involves listing pros and cons of each option to make a choice?

SWOT Analysis
Pareto Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Decision Matrix

Which decision-making style prioritizes logic, facts, and data over emotions?


What is a characteristic of the 'Collaborative' decision-making style?

Involves seeking quick solutions
Decision-making is centralized
Emphasizes individual autonomy
Encourages teamwork and consensus

Which decision-making style involves making decisions based on personal values, beliefs, and emotions?


What is a characteristic of the 'Consensus' decision-making style?

Decision-making is centralized
Focuses on individual authority
Involves seeking majority agreement
Emphasizes logic and data

What is a characteristic of the 'Avoidance' decision-making style?

Quick decision-making
Involves taking risks
Deliberate avoidance of decision-making
High involvement of team members

Which decision-making technique involves ranking options based on their impact and likelihood?

Pareto Analysis
Decision Tree Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Risk Assessment Matrix

Which decision-making technique involves considering the external and internal factors influencing a decision?

SWOT Analysis
Decision Tree Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Pareto Analysis

What is a characteristic of the 'Pragmatic' decision-making style?

Focuses on long-term goals
Involves seeking perfection
Utilizes a trial-and-error approach
Involves taking calculated risks

Which decision-making technique involves visualizing potential outcomes and their probabilities?

Decision Tree Analysis
Pareto Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Risk Assessment Matrix

What is a characteristic of the 'Consultative' decision-making style?

Decision-making is centralized
Involves seeking input from others
Emphasizes individual autonomy
Focuses on avoiding conflict

What is a characteristic of the 'Directive' decision-making style?

Involves group consensus
Emphasizes gathering extensive data
Decision-making is centralized
Focuses on avoiding conflict

Which decision-making technique involves systematically considering the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a decision?

Decision Tree Analysis
Pareto Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Risk Assessment Matrix

Which decision-making technique involves analyzing factors that support or hinder a decision?

Pareto Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Decision Matrix

Which decision-making technique involves identifying the most significant factors influencing a decision?

Force Field Analysis
Decision Matrix
Pareto Analysis
SWOT Analysis

Which decision-making technique involves analyzing the potential barriers and enablers to implementing a decision?

Pareto Analysis
Force Field Analysis
Decision Matrix
SWOT Analysis

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