Understanding the Process of Grief and Coping with Terminal Illness Quiz

Test your knowledge on grief stages, coping strategies, and psychological theories related to terminal illness and loss.


Which stage of grief involves denial?


What is a common emotion experienced during the bargaining stage of grief?


What is a common symptom of anticipatory grief?

Anger towards the healthcare system
Feelings of guilt
Sense of relief
Withdrawal from social activities

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences an individual's grief experience?

Personality traits
Cultural background
Socioeconomic status
Weather conditions

Which of the following is NOT a common response to grief?

Physical symptoms
Spiritual distress
Cognitive dissonance
Social withdrawal

Which theory of grief suggests that individuals go through stages of grief in a linear sequence?

Kübler-Ross model
Dual Process Model
Worden's Four Tasks of Mourning
Attachment Theory

According to the Dual Process Model, what are the two main coping processes?

Acceptance and denial
Avoidance and approach
Loss-oriented coping and restoration-oriented coping
Anger and bargaining

What is the term for grief experienced before the actual loss occurs?

Anticipatory grief
Complicated grief
Chronic grief
Disenfranchised grief

Which psychological theory suggests that individuals cope with terminal illness by finding meaning and purpose in life?

Terror Management Theory
Positive Psychology
Existential Theory
Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Which of the following is NOT a stage of grief according to Worden's Four Tasks of Mourning?

Accept the reality of the loss
Experience the pain of grief
Adjust to a world without the deceased
Find closure and move on

Which coping strategy focuses on engaging in activities that distract from the stressor?

Problem-focused coping
Emotion-focused coping
Distraction-focused coping
Avoidant coping

Which type of grief occurs when society does not acknowledge a person's loss?

Complicated grief
Disenfranchised grief
Chronic grief
Anticipatory grief

According to Attachment Theory, what role do social bonds play in coping with grief?

They have no impact on grief
They are only relevant in the initial stage of grief
They provide a secure base for coping
They hinder the process of grief

What is a key aspect of mindfulness-based interventions for coping with grief?

Focusing on the future
Suppressing emotions
Engaging in avoidance behaviors
Acceptance of present moment experiences

Which neurotransmitter is often associated with feelings of pleasure and reward and may be affected during grief?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

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