Personality Theories and Factors Quiz

Test your knowledge of personality theories with questions on Freud's psychoanalytic theory, Bandura's social cognitive theory, Erikson's psychosocial development, and more.


Which theorist proposed the concept of the 'Big Five' personality traits?

Sigmund Freud
Carl Rogers
Albert Bandura
Costa and McCrae

Which of the following is NOT one of the 'Big Five' personality traits?


Which personality trait refers to the tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and the world around oneself?


Who developed the theory of the 'Hierarchy of Needs', suggesting that individuals are motivated to fulfill basic needs before progressing to higher-level needs?

Carl Rogers
Erik Erikson
Abraham Maslow
Jean Piaget

Which personality theory emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts and childhood experiences in shaping personality?

Trait theory
Humanistic theory
Behavioral theory
Psychoanalytic theory

According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which part of the mind operates on the pleasure principle?


Who proposed the concept of self-actualization as the highest level of psychological development?

Carl Jung
Abraham Maslow
Erik Erikson
B.F. Skinner

Which of the following personality theories emphasizes the importance of the collective unconscious?

Trait theory
Humanistic theory
Social cognitive theory
Analytical psychology

In the context of personality assessment, what does the acronym 'MMPI' stand for?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Machiavellianism Model of Personality Inventory
Mood Management and Personality Index

Who developed the theory of psychosocial development, which includes the stages of trust vs. mistrust and industry vs. inferiority?

Sigmund Freud
Erik Erikson
Jean Piaget
Abraham Maslow

According to Bandura's social cognitive theory, what term refers to an individual's belief in their capabilities to perform specific tasks?


Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in Erik Erikson's psychosocial development theory?

Integrity vs. Despair
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Morality vs. Immorality

Which theorist is associated with the concept of the 'inferiority complex'?

Carl Rogers
Alfred Adler
Erik Erikson
Karen Horney

Who proposed the theory of 'reciprocal determinism', suggesting that personality is shaped by the interaction of cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors?

Carl Jung
B.F. Skinner
Erik Erikson
Albert Bandura

Which of the following is NOT a defense mechanism proposed by Sigmund Freud?


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