Which of the following is a recommended position for a newborn to sleep in?
On their stomach
On their side
On their back
Elevated with pillows
What is the average weight of a newborn baby?
Around 10 pounds
Around 7 pounds
Around 5 pounds
Around 3 pounds
Which of the following is a recommended method for soothing a crying newborn?
Shaking gently
Adding more layers of clothing
Offering a pacifier
Leaving the baby alone
When should a newborn typically have their first bowel movement?
Within 12 hours after birth
Within 24 hours after birth
Within 48 hours after birth
Within 72 hours after birth
What is the recommended frequency for feeding a newborn?
Every 2 hours
Every 3 hours
Every 4 hours
Every 6 hours
What is the recommended duration for exclusive breastfeeding?
6 months
3 months
1 year
2 years
Which reflex is typically observed in newborns when their cheek is stroked?
Rooting reflex
Grasping reflex
Moro reflex
Sucking reflex
What is the vernix caseosa?
A type of bacterial infection
A protective coating on newborn's skin
A developmental disorder
A congenital anomaly
At what age should a newborn typically start lifting their head while lying on their stomach?
1-2 months
3-4 months
5-6 months
7-8 months
What is the purpose of a bulb syringe in newborn care?
To measure temperature
To administer medication
To clear nasal passages
To check blood pressure
What is the normal range for a newborn's heart rate?
30-50 beats per minute
60-100 beats per minute
120-160 beats per minute
180-220 beats per minute
What is the purpose of the Apgar score given to newborns?
To assess the mother's health
To determine the need for surgery
To evaluate the baby's physical condition at birth
To calculate the baby's weight
What is the purpose of kangaroo care for newborns?
To promote breastfeeding
To prevent diaper rash
To stimulate brain development
To encourage bonding and regulate body temperature
What is the recommended duration for skin-to-skin contact between a newborn and their parent after birth?
5-10 minutes
15-30 minutes
At least 1 hour
2-3 hours
What is the purpose of conducting a newborn blood spot screening (heel prick test)?
To check for signs of infection
To assess the baby's blood type
To screen for metabolic disorders
To measure oxygen levels