Data Analysis and Visualization in Spreadsheets Quiz

Test your Excel knowledge with these questions on functions, charts, formulas, and more. Sharpen your skills now!


Which function is used to calculate the average of a range of cells in Excel?


Which chart type in Excel would you use to show trends over time?

Bar chart
Pie chart
Line chart
Scatter plot

In Excel, what function would you use to find the highest value in a range of cells?


Which chart type in Excel would you use to compare values across different categories?

Bar chart
Pie chart
Line chart
Scatter plot

What is the purpose of the IF function in Excel?

To perform arithmetic operations
To check if a condition is true or false
To convert text to uppercase
To round off numbers

In Excel, how can you create a formula that adds the values in cells A1 and B1?

=SUM(A1, B1)
=ADD(A1, B1)
=A1 + B1
=SUM(A1 + B1)

What does the function VLOOKUP do in Excel?

It returns a value from a vertical lookup table based on a matching criterion
It returns the vertical position of a specified value in a range
It verifies if a value exists in a vertical range
It returns the value of the last non-empty cell in a vertical range

What is the purpose of a pivot table in Excel?

To automatically sort data alphabetically
To analyze and summarize data
To convert text data into numerical data
To create charts and graphs

What is the purpose of the CONCATENATE function in Excel?

To split text into multiple cells
To combine text from two or more cells into one cell
To convert numbers into text format
To round off decimal numbers

What does the function COUNTIF do in Excel?

It counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
It sums the values in a range that meet a specific condition
It returns the number of columns in a range
It returns the number of rows in a range

In Excel, how can you freeze panes to keep rows and columns visible while scrolling?

Go to the View tab and click on Freeze Panes
Go to the Insert tab and click on Freeze Panes
Go to the Home tab and click on Freeze Panes
Right-click on the row or column you want to freeze and select Freeze Panes

What does the function SUMIF do in Excel?

It counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
It sums the values in a range that meet a specific condition
It returns the number of columns in a range
It returns the number of rows in a range

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