Expressing Preferences and Desires Quiz

Test your understanding of expressing preferences and desires through phrases and sentences. Learn pragmatics with this interactive quiz!


Which phrase expresses a preference?

I might go to the gym later.
I prefer going to the gym.
I have to go to the gym.
Going to the gym is boring.

What does 'I'd rather stay home' imply?

I have to stay home.
I enjoy staying home.
I dislike staying home.
I should stay home.

Which sentence expresses a desire?

I will eat pizza.
I wish I could eat pizza.
I ate pizza yesterday.
Eating pizza is healthy.

What does 'I've got a craving for chocolate' imply?

I don't like chocolate.
I want chocolate.
I'm allergic to chocolate.
I need chocolate for a recipe.

What does 'I can't stand waiting in long lines' imply?

I enjoy waiting in long lines.
I am patient with waiting in long lines.
I dislike waiting in long lines.
I have to wait in long lines.

Which phrase expresses a mild preference?

I must go to the party.
I would like to go to the party.
I can't go to the party.
I need to go to the party.

Which phrase expresses a strong desire?

I'm considering buying a new car.
I want to buy a new car.
I like the idea of buying a new car.
I might buy a new car.

Which sentence expresses a strong preference?

I like to travel.
I'd rather travel.
I might travel.
Traveling is okay.

What does 'I have a burning desire to succeed' imply?

I have no desire to succeed.
I am indifferent about succeeding.
I have a strong desire to succeed.
I am afraid of succeeding.

What does 'I'm dying to see the new movie' imply?

I am afraid to see the new movie.
I am not interested in seeing the new movie.
I have a strong desire to see the new movie.
I don't want to see the new movie.

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