Who is often considered the 'Father of Psychology'?
Which ancient civilization is known for its contributions to the understanding of human behavior and thought?
Who introduced the term 'collective unconscious'?
Which historical figure is known for his work in phrenology, which attempted to determine personality traits and mental abilities based on the shape of the skull?
Which philosopher proposed the theory of tabula rasa, suggesting that the mind is a blank slate at birth and experiences shape personality?
Who conducted the famous 'Little Albert' experiment, which demonstrated classical conditioning in humans?
Who is known for his theory of operant conditioning, which suggests that behavior is shaped by consequences such as reinforcement or punishment?
Which early psychologist proposed the concept of 'functionalism', emphasizing the study of how mental processes function in adapting to the environment?
Who authored the book 'The Principles of Psychology', which is often considered one of the most influential texts in psychology?
Which ancient Greek philosopher is often credited with laying the groundwork for modern psychology through his emphasis on observation and inquiry into human behavior?
Who is known for establishing the first psychology laboratory in 1879 at the University of Leipzig?
Which influential psychologist is known for his hierarchy of needs, which suggests that individuals are motivated by different levels of needs, from basic physiological requirements to self-actualization?
Who coined the term 'psychoanalysis' and developed the theory that unconscious conflicts underlie human behavior?