Trauma Assessment and Injury Mechanisms Quiz

Test your knowledge of trauma medicine with questions on injury mechanisms, assessment tools, and management principles.


What is the primary purpose of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in trauma assessment?

To measure blood pressure
To assess neurological function
To evaluate respiratory rate
To measure body temperature

What does the acronym 'ATLS' stand for in the context of trauma care?

Advanced Trauma Life Support
Automated Trauma Level System
Acute Trauma Lethality Score
Advanced Tactical Lifesaving

In the context of trauma, what does the term 'AVPU' represent?

Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability
Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive
Assessment, Vital signs, Pain management, Updates
Advanced Vascular Pressure Units

Which mechanism is responsible for a pneumothorax in trauma?

Blunt force trauma
Penetrating trauma
Chemical trauma
Thermal trauma

Which of the following is a common sign of spinal cord injury in trauma patients?


Which type of injury is characterized by the tearing of blood vessels and can lead to internal bleeding?


Which organ is particularly susceptible to injury in a pelvic fracture?


In the context of trauma triage, what does the term 'Red Tag' signify?

Critical condition
Walking wounded
Delayed treatment

In the context of trauma, what does the term 'MOI' stand for?

Medical Order of Importance
Mechanism of Injury
Major Organ Involvement
Multiple Organ Injuries

What is the purpose of the ABCDE approach in trauma assessment?

To assess cognitive function
To evaluate respiratory function
To measure blood sugar levels
To examine musculoskeletal injuries

What is the primary goal of hemorrhage control in trauma management?

Prevent infection
Minimize pain
Maintain blood volume
Improve respiratory function

Which of the following is a common mechanism of injury in a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?


In trauma assessment, what does 'Cushing's triad' indicate?

Spinal cord injury
Increased intracranial pressure
Hypovolemic shock

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