Patient Assessment and Health Considerations Quiz

Test your knowledge with questions on vital signs, assessment methods, and medical acronyms in trauma medicine. How well do you know patient care?


Which vital sign measures the number of breaths per minute?

Blood pressure
Pulse rate
Respiratory rate

What is the normal range for blood pressure in adults?

120/80 mmHg
140/90 mmHg
100/60 mmHg
160/100 mmHg

What is the acronym for assessing the pain level in patients?


Which of the following is a common method to assess a patient's level of consciousness?

AVPU scale
RICE protocol
SAMPLE history
OPQRST assessment

What does the 'D' stand for in the AVPU scale?


Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of a heart attack?

Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Numbness or tingling in the legs
Nausea or vomiting

Which of the following is NOT a component of the Glasgow Coma Scale?

Eye opening
Motor response
Speech clarity
Verbal response

What is the primary purpose of the ABCDE approach in patient assessment?

To assess neurological status
To assess circulatory status
To assess respiratory status
To assess overall patient condition systematically

Which of the following is NOT a component of the SAMPLE history?


What is the purpose of the AVPU scale in patient assessment?

To assess motor function
To assess level of consciousness
To assess vital signs
To assess oxygen saturation

Which of the following is a primary assessment priority in a trauma patient?

Assessing skin color
Administering pain medication
Ensuring a patent airway
Measuring blood pressure

What is the purpose of the OPQRST mnemonic in patient assessment?

To assess vital signs
To assess level of consciousness
To assess pain characteristics
To assess respiratory status

In the SOAP note format, what does 'P' stand for?


What does the acronym SAMPLE stand for in patient assessment?

Signs, Assessment, Medications, Previous history, Last oral intake, Events
Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past medical history, Last oral intake, Events
Symptoms, Assessment, Medications, Past medical history, Last oral intake, Examination
Signs, Allergies, Medications, Previous history, Last oral intake, Examination

What is the primary goal of the secondary assessment in patient assessment?

To identify life-threatening injuries or conditions
To assess vital signs
To obtain a comprehensive medical history
To reassess the patient's condition

Which of the following is NOT a component of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale?

Facial droop
Arm drift
Leg weakness
Eye deviation

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