Pediatric Compound Fractures and Nursing Care Quiz

Explore nursing strategies, complications, and treatments for pediatric compound fractures. Quiz on causes, management, and recovery.


Which of the following is a common cause of pediatric compound fractures?

Lack of physical activity
Underlying medical conditions
Traumatic injury
Genetic factors

What is the term used to describe a pediatric compound fracture where the bone pierces the skin and creates an open wound?

Simple fracture
Closed fracture
Greenstick fracture
Open fracture

Which type of fracture is characterized by the bone breaking incompletely, often seen in pediatric patients due to the flexibility of their bones?

Compound fracture
Closed fracture
Greenstick fracture
Open fracture

Which factor contributes to the increased vulnerability of pediatric bones to fractures compared to adult bones?

Higher bone density
Greater bone flexibility
Increased mineralization
Stronger ligaments

Which anatomical feature makes pediatric bones more susceptible to greenstick fractures?

Higher bone density
Greater mineralization
Increased flexibility
Stronger ligaments

What is the primary goal of nursing care for a pediatric compound fracture?

Preventing future fractures
Immediate pain relief
Promoting bone growth
Ensuring optimal nutrition

Which of the following signs may indicate infection in a pediatric compound fracture?

Decreased pain
Redness and swelling
Normal body temperature
Improved range of motion

What is the role of antibiotics in the treatment of pediatric compound fractures?

Preventing pain
Promoting bone healing
Preventing infection
Reducing inflammation

Which imaging technique is commonly used to diagnose pediatric compound fractures?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
CT scan (Computed Tomography)

What is the primary concern when assessing neurovascular status in a pediatric patient with a compound fracture?

Joint mobility
Skin color and temperature
Heart rate
Respiratory rate

What is the recommended initial treatment for a pediatric compound fracture before medical help arrives?

Applying a cold compress
Trying to realign the bones
Administering pain medication
Elevating the affected limb

In the context of pediatric compound fractures, what is the significance of compartment syndrome?

It indicates successful bone healing
It is a potential complication restricting blood flow
It is a preventive measure for future fractures
It is related to psychological trauma

What is a potential long-term complication of pediatric compound fractures in the growth plate?

Decreased bone density
Growth disturbances
Muscle atrophy

In the context of nursing care, what is emphasized during the rehabilitation phase of pediatric compound fractures?

Immediate weight-bearing exercises
Gradual increase in activity
Avoidance of any physical activity
Complete immobilization

What is the primary purpose of immobilization in the management of pediatric compound fractures?

Preventing pain
Facilitating early movement
Promoting bone healing
Reducing swelling

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