Which bone is also known as the collarbone?
2 answered
What is the scientific name for the kneecap bone?
2 answered
Which bone is commonly referred to as the shinbone?
2 answered
What is the name of the bone in the upper arm?
2 answered
Which bone is located between the tibia and fibula in the lower leg?
2 answered
Which bone forms the heel of the foot?
2 answered
Which bone forms the back of the skull?
2 answered
What is the name of the longest bone in the human body?
2 answered
Which bone forms the bridge of the nose?
2 answered
What is the name of the small bone in the lower leg that is parallel to the tibia?
2 answered
Which bone is the only bone in the body not connected to any other bone?
2 answered
What is the name of the bone located at the base of the skull that supports the head?
2 answered
Which bone articulates with the scapula to form the shoulder joint?
1 answered
Which bone is commonly referred to as the collarbone?
1 answered
Which bone is commonly known as the breastbone?
1 answered
Which bone is commonly referred to as the thigh bone?
1 answered
What is the name of the bone that forms the posterior portion of the pelvic girdle?
1 answered