Gender-Based Violence and Legal Responses Quiz

Explore gender law with 15 questions covering legal principles, international instruments, and societal impacts. Test your knowledge now!


Which of the following is considered a form of gender-based violence?

Physical abuse
Constructive criticism
Friendly teasing
Healthy debate

What is one of the primary objectives of legal responses to gender-based violence?

To protect the rights of the perpetrator
To provide support and justice for the survivor
To encourage further violence
To ignore the issue

Which of the following factors can contribute to the perpetration of gender-based violence?

Societal norms that condone violence
Strict legal punishments for perpetrators
Promotion of gender equality
Access to quality education

What is the term for the use of physical force, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, or other forms of violence to control or manipulate a partner?

Domestic violence

Which of the following is NOT a type of gender-based violence?

Sexual harassment
Economic violence
Racial discrimination
Forced marriage

Which international human rights instrument specifically addresses gender-based violence?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Geneva Conventions
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
Convention on the Rights of the Child

What is the term for the legal principle that prohibits double jeopardy, allowing individuals to be tried only once for a specific crime?

Habeas Corpus
Ex post facto
Res judicata
Ne bis in idem

Which of the following is NOT a common consequence of gender-based violence?

Physical injuries
Emotional trauma
Economic empowerment
Social stigma

What legal principle holds that individuals are innocent until proven guilty?

Presumption of innocence
Probable cause
Burden of proof
Due process

Which international organization adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women?

World Health Organization (WHO)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Which legal concept refers to the intentional process of obstructing justice or unlawfully influencing the outcome of a legal proceeding?

Subornation of perjury
Contempt of court
Obstruction of justice

In the context of gender-based violence, what does the acronym 'VAW' stand for?

Violent Aggressive Women
Violence Against Women
Violent Assault Weapons
Verbal Assault Warning

Which legal concept refers to the compensation awarded to a victim of a civil wrong or criminal act?


Which legal doctrine states that a person cannot be tried twice for the same offense after an acquittal or conviction?

Double jeopardy
Selective prosecution
Statute of limitations
Right to a fair trial

Which legal concept allows individuals to bring a civil lawsuit against someone who has wronged them?


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