EMS Communication and Protocol Quiz

Test your knowledge on EMS communication methods, protocols, and procedures with this comprehensive quiz.


Which of the following is NOT a common EMS communication method?

Carrier pigeon
Cell phone

What does '10-4' mean in EMS communication?

Request for assistance
Affirmative, message received
Cancel response
Urgent situation

What does 'ALS' stand for in EMS?

Ambulance Life Support
Advanced Life Support
Automated Life Saving
Airway and Lung Support

What is the primary role of an EMS dispatcher?

Administering medical treatment
Driving the ambulance
Coordinating emergency response resources
Conducting patient assessments

What does 'BSI' stand for in EMS?

Basic Safety Instruction
Bloodborne Pathogen Safety Information
Body Substance Isolation
Bacterial Spread Inhibition

Which of the following is a common complication of hypothermia?

Increased heart rate
Decreased blood pressure

What does 'CPR' stand for in EMS?

Cardiovascular Procedure Restoration
Critical Patient Resuscitation
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Circulatory Protocol Revision

In EMS communication, what does the acronym 'HIPAA' stand for?

Health Information Portability and Accountability Act
Healthcare Incident Protocol for Ambulance Assistance
Hospital Incident Preparedness Assessment Act
Healthcare Insurance and Privacy Protection Act

When giving a report to the hospital, which information should EMS providers typically include?

Patient's social security number
Mother's maiden name
Chief complaint and vital signs
EMS provider's favorite color

Which of the following is an example of a 'priority dispatch' situation in EMS?

Routine transfer between medical facilities
Assisting a patient with a minor injury at home
Cardiac arrest or severe trauma
Providing first aid at a community event

What is the primary purpose of 'triaging' patients in EMS?

To transport patients to the nearest hospital
To determine the severity of injuries or illnesses
To administer medications
To perform CPR

Which of the following is a common EMS medication for pain relief?


Which of the following is NOT a typical vital sign measured by EMS providers?

Blood pressure
Respiratory rate
Blood glucose level

Which of the following is a primary responsibility of EMS providers during a mass casualty incident?

Administering first aid to a single patient at a time
Transporting all patients to the nearest hospital immediately
Prioritizing care based on the severity of injuries
Disregarding minor injuries to focus on critical cases

What is the 'ABC' protocol in EMS?

Always Be Conscious
Airway, Breathing, Circulation
Advanced Brain Control
Ambulance Backup Check

What does 'AVPU' stand for in EMS?

Airway, Ventilation, Pulse, Unconscious
Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive
Assessment, Vital signs, Patient history, Urinalysis
Arrhythmia, Ventricular fibrillation, Pulseless electrical activity, Unresponsive

In EMS, what is the purpose of the 'chain of survival' concept?

To secure equipment in the ambulance
To ensure proper documentation of patient care
To optimize the chances of survival for patients in cardiac arrest
To maintain communication with dispatch

What is 'CBRNE' in the context of EMS?

A type of medical equipment
A specific EMS certification
A protocol for managing mass casualty incidents involving hazardous materials
A communication channel used by EMS providers

What is the 'Golden Hour' in EMS?

The first hour after a patient arrives at the hospital
The hour when EMS providers receive the most calls
The critical period immediately following a traumatic injury or medical emergency
The designated hour for shift change in EMS operations

In EMS, what is the primary purpose of 'incident command'?

To provide medical treatment to patients
To oversee administrative tasks within the EMS organization
To coordinate emergency response efforts at the scene of an incident
To manage patient transportation logistics

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