Early Emotional Development in Infants Quiz

Test your knowledge on early emotional development in infants. Explore milestones, attachment theories, and key concepts in less than 160 characters.


What is the primary method through which infants communicate in the early stages of development?

Verbal language
Facial expressions

Which sensory experience is crucial for an infant's emotional development and bonding with caregivers?


Which sense is least developed at birth, requiring time and experience to mature in infants?


At what age do infants typically start to develop a basic understanding of cause and effect?

1 month
3 months
6 months
12 months

Which of the following emotions is often one of the first to emerge in an infant's emotional development?


What is the term for an infant's ability to regulate and control their own emotions?

Emotional intelligence
Emotional regulation
Emotional expression
Emotional attachment

What is the significance of 'joint attention' in early emotional development?

Shared focus between caregiver and infant
Individual attention
Lack of attention
Solo attention by the caregiver

What role does reciprocal socialization play in the emotional development of infants?

Unidirectional communication
Mutual influence between caregiver and infant
Isolation from social interactions
Independent emotional development

Which attachment style is characterized by infants showing indifference to the caregiver's departure or return?

Secure attachment
Ambivalent attachment
Avoidant attachment
Disorganized attachment

What is the term for the emotional bond that forms between an infant and their primary caregiver?


During which developmental stage do infants start to display social smiles as a response to stimuli?

Neonatal stage
Preschool age

At what age do infants typically start to exhibit stranger anxiety, becoming wary of unfamiliar faces?

3 months
6 months
9 months
12 months

Which theorist is known for the concept of the 'strange situation' as a method to study attachment in infants?

Jean Piaget
John Bowlby
Erik Erikson
Mary Ainsworth

Which of the following is considered a milestone in early emotional development, where an infant can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar faces?

Object permanence
Social referencing
Visual acuity

At what age do infants typically start to exhibit self-conscious emotions such as embarrassment or pride?

6 months
12 months
18 months
24 months

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