Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior Development Quiz

Test your knowledge with questions on behavior analysis, verbal operants, prominent figures, and concepts like mand, tact, intraverbal, and more.


Which of the following best defines behavior analysis?

The study of human behavior only
The scientific study of behavior
The analysis of animal behavior only
The study of behavior in controlled environments only

Who is the prominent figure associated with verbal behavior development?

Albert Bandura
B.F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov
Jean Piaget

Which of the following is a primary focus of verbal behavior research?

The analysis of facial expressions
The study of non-verbal cues
The functional analysis of language
The investigation of body language

What is a common function of verbal behavior in communication?

To confuse others
To express emotions only
To control others' behavior
To share information and ideas

In verbal behavior analysis, what does the term 'manding' mean?

Asking questions
Commanding others to do something
Requesting something
Mimicking others' behavior

What is the primary focus of behavior analysis?

Analyzing physical behaviors
Studying only human behavior
Understanding the causes of behavior
Exploring emotions and feelings

What does the term 'mand' refer to in verbal behavior analysis?

A type of reinforcer
A verbal operant that requests something
A punishment technique
A form of non-verbal communication

In the context of verbal behavior, what is 'tact'?

A type of punishment
A form of non-verbal communication
A verbal operant that labels objects and events
A type of reinforcement schedule

What is the role of a discriminative stimulus (SD) in behavior analysis?

It signals that reinforcement is not available
It signals that punishment is imminent
It signals that reinforcement is available for a particular response
It signals the end of a behavioral session

Which of the following is an example of a verbal operant in behavior analysis?

Avoidance response
Crying in infants
Mimicking others
Requesting a toy

In behavior analysis, what does the term 'chaining' refer to?

A process of reinforcing every behavior in a sequence
A method of punishing undesirable behavior
A procedure of teaching complex behaviors by breaking them into smaller parts
A technique for extinguishing behavior

What is the difference between tact and intraverbal behavior?

Tacts involve labeling objects and events, while intraverbals involve conversation.
Tacts involve conversation, while intraverbals involve labeling objects and events.
Tacts and intraverbals are synonymous terms.
Tacts and intraverbals both involve imitation.

What is the concept of 'echoic' in verbal behavior analysis?

A type of prompt used in training
A form of non-verbal communication
A verbal operant involving repeating what others say
A form of punishment

What is the significance of the term 'intraverbal' in verbal behavior analysis?

It refers to self-talk
It refers to conversations between individuals
It refers to verbal behavior reinforced by social praise
It refers to verbal behavior controlled by other verbal stimuli

In behavior analysis, what does 'autoclitic' refer to?

Verbal behavior that comments on other verbal behavior
Verbal behavior that is reinforced by social praise
Verbal behavior that is reinforced by tangible rewards
Verbal behavior that mimics non-verbal actions

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