What does the prefix 'hypo-' mean in medical terminology?
1 answered
Which suffix is commonly used to indicate inflammation in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the prefix 'poly-' mean in medical terminology?
1 answered
Which combining form is related to the liver?
1 answered
What is the meaning of the combining form 'dermat(o)-'?
1 answered
What is the meaning of the combining form 'cardi(o)-'?
1 answered
Which prefix denotes 'before' or 'in front of' in medical terminology?
1 answered
What is the meaning of the combining form 'neur(o)-'?
1 answered
Which suffix is commonly used to indicate 'surgical removal' in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the prefix 'pseudo-' mean in medical terminology?
1 answered
What does the suffix '-pathy' indicate in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the suffix '-ology' indicate in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the suffix '-rrhaphy' indicate in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the suffix '-phobia' indicate in medical terms?
1 answered
What does the suffix '-megaly' indicate in medical terms?
1 answered