Which of the following is an example of a nominal variable?
What is the key characteristic of a nominal variable?
What distinguishes an interval scale from an ordinal scale?
In a survey, if respondents choose their favorite music genre (e.g., rock, pop, jazz), what type of variable is being collected?
Which of the following is an example of an ordinal variable?
What is a characteristic of a nominal scale?
In statistics, what does a ratio scale allow for?
Which type of variable is measured on an ordinal scale?
If you categorize countries into continents (e.g., Asia, Europe), what type of variable is used?
What is a characteristic of a ratio variable?
Which measurement scale allows for both ranking and equal intervals between values?
If you measure the number of hours spent studying each week, what type of variable is it likely to be?
If you measure the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, what type of scale is being used?
What is an interval variable characterized by?
In a study, if you measure the height of individuals, what type of variable is height?
In psychological research, if you measure participants' anxiety levels, what type of scale is often used?
What is the primary difference between ordinal and interval scales?
What is a key characteristic of a ratio scale?
In educational research, if you categorize students into grade levels (e.g., 1st grade, 2nd grade), what type of variable is used?