Theoretical frameworks in psychology related to Black identity and mental health Quiz

Test your knowledge on theories like Racial/Cultural Identity Development, Minority Stress, Critical Race Theory & more.


Which theoretical framework in psychology emphasizes the importance of racial identity development?

Social Learning Theory
Cognitive-Behavioral Theory
Ecological Systems Theory
Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model

Who proposed the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model?

Sigmund Freud
Erik Erikson
William Cross Jr.
Albert Bandura

Which theoretical framework in psychology examines how individuals' experiences with racism influence their mental health?

Intersectionality Theory
Stress and Coping Theory
Psychodynamic Theory
Minority Stress Theory

Which theoretical framework in psychology emphasizes the role of social structures and systemic racism in shaping individuals' experiences?

Psychoanalytic Theory
Social Cognitive Theory
Critical Race Theory
Behavioral Theory

Who is credited with the development of Critical Race Theory?

John Watson
Derrick Bell
Carl Rogers
B. F. Skinner

Which theoretical framework in psychology explores the intersection of various social identities, including race, gender, and sexual orientation?

Feminist Theory
Social Identity Theory
Intersectionality Theory
Symbolic Interactionism

Which theoretical framework in psychology focuses on the exploration of cultural values, beliefs, and practices?

Cultural Adaptation Theory
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Attachment Theory
Behavioral Genetics

According to the Minority Stress Theory, which of the following factors contributes to mental health disparities among Black individuals?

Lack of social support
High socioeconomic status
Absence of discrimination
Access to quality healthcare

Which psychologist is associated with the development of the Minority Stress Theory?

Melba J. T. Vasquez
Abraham Maslow
William Julius Wilson
Ilan H. Meyer

According to Intersectionality Theory, what is the term used to describe the cumulative impact of multiple forms of discrimination?

Double jeopardy
Triple threat
Intersectional stress
Cumulative disadvantage

Which scholar introduced the concept of intersectionality?

Patricia Hill Collins
Jean Piaget
Lev Vygotsky
Kimberlé Crenshaw

According to the Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity, which stage involves a rejection of one's racial identity in favor of adopting the dominant cultural identity?


Who is known for their work on the Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity?

Robert J. Sternberg
Janet Helms
Paulo Freire
William Cross Jr.

According to the Cultural Humility Model, what is the term used to describe the ongoing process of self-awareness, reflection, and critique?

Cultural awareness
Cultural competence
Cultural humility
Cultural sensitivity

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