Social Structures and Class Dynamics Quiz

Explore social class, mobility, and theorists. Test your knowledge with questions on Bourdieu, Weber, and more. Dive in now!


Which sociologist introduced the concept of social class?

Max Weber
Karl Marx
Émile Durkheim
Herbert Spencer

What is a characteristic of an open class system?

Little to no social mobility
Strict hierarchy
Limited opportunities for advancement
Fluidity in social mobility

What is social mobility?

The ability to maintain one's social position over time
The movement of individuals or groups between different social positions
The tendency for societies to maintain stable social hierarchies
The process of achieving social equality

Which factor is NOT typically considered when analyzing social class?

Education level
Geographic location
Religious affiliation

What is the term for the process by which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of their culture?

Cultural diffusion

Which term refers to the inherited wealth and property passed down from generation to generation?

Social capital
Cultural capital
Economic capital
Intergenerational wealth

What theory suggests that society is divided into two classes, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat?

Conflict theory
Symbolic interactionism
Structural functionalism
Feminist theory

What is a caste system?

A social system based on inherited social ranking, often associated with Hinduism
A system where individuals can freely move between social classes
A system where social status is solely determined by economic wealth
A system where social status is determined by education level

Which sociologist coined the term 'the power elite' to describe the ruling class in the United States?

C. Wright Mills
Talcott Parsons
Pierre Bourdieu
Erving Goffman

What is the term for a group of individuals who share a similar social and economic status?

Social network
Social class
Peer group

Which of the following is an example of cultural capital?

A person's income
A prestigious job title
A college degree
Knowing how to navigate social situations

According to Max Weber, what are the three dimensions of social stratification?

Race, gender, and age
Wealth, power, and prestige
Education, occupation, and income
Religion, ethnicity, and nationality

Which sociologist introduced the concept of 'status inconsistency'?

Max Weber
Karl Marx
Émile Durkheim
Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore

In Marxist theory, what is the term for the labor power of workers that is appropriated by capitalists as profit?

Surplus value

Which sociologist introduced the concept of 'social closure'?

Max Weber
Karl Marx
Émile Durkheim
Frank Parkin

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