Which of the following can impair your driving abilities?
Which of the following is a common symptom of alcohol intoxication?
What is the legal drinking age in most of the United States?
Which of the following is NOT a potential consequence of driving under the influence of alcohol?
What is the term for the legal process of removing the driving privileges of someone convicted of driving under the influence?
What is the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for most drivers in the US?
Which organ is primarily responsible for metabolizing alcohol in the body?
Which neurotransmitter is affected by alcohol, leading to its intoxicating effects?
Which type of beverage typically has the highest alcohol content?
What is the term for the physical and mental symptoms experienced when a person stops drinking alcohol after a period of heavy use?
What is the approximate average elimination rate of alcohol in the body per hour?
Which age group has the highest percentage of alcohol-related traffic fatalities?
What is the name of the coordination test often used by law enforcement to assess sobriety?
What percentage of traffic fatalities in the US are attributed to alcohol-impaired driving?