Oxygen Delivery Systems Quiz

Test your knowledge on oxygen delivery systems, including nasal cannulas, masks, and their applications in respiratory therapy. Learn which system suits which patient scenario!


Which of the following oxygen delivery systems delivers the highest concentration of oxygen?

Nasal cannula
Venturi mask
Non-rebreather mask
Tracheostomy mask

In a nasal cannula, at what rate (in liters per minute) does oxygen typically flow?

1-2 L/min
3-4 L/min
5-6 L/min
7-8 L/min

Which oxygen delivery system is commonly used in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

Venturi mask
Nasal cannula
Simple face mask
Tracheostomy mask

What is the purpose of a reservoir bag in an oxygen mask?

To filter out impurities from the oxygen
To increase the flow rate of oxygen
To store excess oxygen for inhalation during inspiration
To decrease the risk of hypoxemia

What is the purpose of humidification in oxygen therapy?

To cool down the oxygen before inhalation
To prevent drying of the mucous membranes
To increase the concentration of oxygen
To decrease the risk of carbon dioxide retention

Which oxygen delivery system allows the patient to rebreathe a portion of exhaled air?

Venturi mask
Nasal cannula
Simple face mask
Partial rebreather mask

What is the maximum oxygen flow rate for a nasal cannula?

4 L/min
6 L/min
8 L/min
10 L/min

What is the typical FiO2 (Fraction of Inspired Oxygen) delivered by a nasal cannula?


Which oxygen delivery system provides a precise oxygen concentration regardless of the patient's breathing pattern?

Nasal cannula
Simple face mask
Venturi mask
Partial rebreather mask

In which scenario would a non-rebreather mask be contraindicated?

During hypoxic respiratory failure
During carbon monoxide poisoning
During acute asthma exacerbation
During chest trauma

Which oxygen delivery system is most suitable for patients requiring long-term oxygen therapy at home?

Simple face mask
Nasal cannula
Tracheostomy mask
Oxygen concentrator

Which oxygen delivery system should be used in cases of severe upper airway obstruction?

Nasal cannula
Venturi mask
Bag-valve-mask (BVM)
Tracheostomy mask

Which oxygen delivery system provides the most precise control over FiO2?

Nasal cannula
Venturi mask
Simple face mask
Partial rebreather mask

In which situation is a high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) typically used?

Mild hypoxemia
Post-extubation respiratory support
Moderate asthma exacerbation

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