Which organ primarily regulates fluid balance in the body?
Which of the following is a symptom of fluid overload?
What is the recommended fluid intake per day for an average adult?
What is the primary symptom of hyponatremia?
Which condition is characterized by low serum calcium levels?
What electrolyte imbalance is commonly associated with vomiting and diarrhea?
Which condition is characterized by an excess of fluid in the interstitial space?
Which condition is characterized by inadequate fluid intake or excessive fluid loss?
What is the primary treatment for hypovolemic shock?
Which condition results from excess fluid volume in the intravascular space?
Which hormone plays a key role in regulating water reabsorption in the kidneys?
What electrolyte imbalance is often associated with Addison's disease?
Which medication is commonly used to treat hyponatremia caused by syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)?
Which of the following conditions is characterized by a deficiency of aldosterone?