What is the penalty for a first offense of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol in Massachusetts?
What is the speed limit in a school zone during school hours in Massachusetts?
What is the fine for the first offense of distracted driving, which includes texting and driving, in Massachusetts?
What is the minimum fine for a first-time offense of littering from a vehicle in Massachusetts?
In Massachusetts, what is the fine for not wearing a seatbelt?
What is the maximum fine for a first-time offense of jaywalking in Massachusetts?
How many surchargeable events will lead to a mandatory Driver Retraining Program in Massachusetts?
What is the fine for illegally passing a school bus in Massachusetts?
For a Junior Operator (under the age of 18), what is the penalty for texting while driving in Massachusetts?
What are the penalties for refusing a breathalyzer test in Massachusetts if you are over 21 years old?
What is the penalty for driving without insurance in Massachusetts?
Under the Safe Driver Law, what is the penalty for operators caught using mobile phones without a hands-free mode while driving in Massachusetts?
How does Massachusetts handle left lane usage on highways under the 'Move Over Law'?
What is the consequence of accumulating three speeding violations within a year in Massachusetts?
How long is the look-back period for considering prior offenses in OUI (Operating Under the Influence) cases in Massachusetts?
What is the consequence for accumulating 7 surchargeable events in a 3-year period in Massachusetts?
In Massachusetts, what is the penalty for driving with a revoked license due to a criminal OUI conviction?
As of the last update, what is the reinstatement fee for a driver's license after suspension for a drug-related offense in Massachusetts?
In Massachusetts, what additional penalty can be imposed for excessive speeding, defined as traveling 40 mph or more over the speed limit?