Image Editing Techniques Quiz

Test your knowledge on image editing techniques with our quiz covering tools, adjustments, and terminology. Let's see how well you know your way around!


Which tool is commonly used to remove the background from an image?

Brush tool
Magic Wand tool
Eraser tool
Lasso tool

What does DPI stand for in the context of image editing?

Dots Per Image
Dots Per Inch
Digital Picture Interface
Digital Print Index

Which file format supports transparent backgrounds?


What does the term 'Clipping Mask' refer to in image editing?

A tool to create gradients
A technique to crop images
A method to apply an effect or layer to only a portion of an image
A feature for adjusting brightness and contrast

What does the term 'Cloning' mean in image editing?

Creating an identical copy of an image
Removing blemishes or unwanted elements from an image
Adding a new object to an image
Adjusting the color balance of an image

Which of the following is NOT a blending mode commonly used in image editing software?


What is the purpose of the 'Healing Brush' tool in image editing?

To add special effects to images
To adjust the exposure of an image
To remove imperfections or blemishes from an image
To apply filters to an image

What is the purpose of the 'Clone Stamp' tool in image editing software?

To duplicate an object in an image
To adjust the color balance of an image
To add text to an image
To resize an image

Which of the following is a commonly used selection tool in image editing?

Pencil tool
Paint Bucket tool
Polygonal Lasso tool
Eyedropper tool

What is the purpose of the 'Curves' adjustment in image editing software?

To add text to images
To adjust the tonal range and contrast of an image
To resize the image
To rotate the image

In image editing, what does the term 'Masking' refer to?

Adjusting the image's brightness and contrast
Applying a filter to an image
Removing the background from an image
Concealing or revealing parts of an image

Which of the following is a non-destructive editing technique?

Adjustment layers

What does the term 'Feathering' refer to in image editing?

Adding texture to an image
Blending two images together seamlessly
Adjusting the opacity of an image
Creating a soft transition between selections

In image editing software, what is the purpose of the 'Levels' adjustment?

To add text to an image
To adjust the image's tonal range and color balance
To apply artistic filters
To crop the image

What does the term 'Opacity' refer to in image editing?

The brightness of an image
The sharpness of an image
The transparency of a layer
The color intensity of an image

In image editing software, what is the purpose of the 'Content-Aware Fill' feature?

To adjust the color balance of an image
To automatically remove unwanted elements from an image
To create custom brushes
To apply special effects to an image

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