Human Joint Anatomy and Classification Quiz

Test your understanding of human joint anatomy and classification with these orthopedics quiz questions. Explore synovial, fibrous, and cartilaginous joints!


Which of the following joints is classified as a synovial joint?

Suture joint
Cartilaginous joint
Ball and socket joint
Fibrous joint

The joint between the tibia and fibula in the lower leg is an example of which type of joint?

None of the above

What is the medical term for the jaw joint?

Tarsometatarsal joint
Temporomandibular joint
Sternoclavicular joint
Coxal joint

What type of joint is found between the carpal bones of the wrist?

Pivot joint
Hinge joint
Ellipsoidal joint
Gliding joint

The hip joint is an example of which type of joint?

Saddle joint
Hinge joint
Ball and socket joint
Pivot joint

What type of joint is found between the atlas and axis vertebrae?

Saddle joint
Pivot joint
Gliding joint
Hinge joint

Which of the following is not a function of synovial fluid in synovial joints?

Reducing friction
Nourishing the cartilage
Enhancing muscle contraction
Removing waste products

What type of joint is formed between the radius and ulna bones in the forearm?

Pivot joint
Hinge joint
Ellipsoidal joint
Gliding joint

Which of the following joints is immovable?

Elbow joint
Sacroiliac joint
Symphysis pubis
Suture joint

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