Who is credited with producing the world's first photograph?
Which year was the first successful permanent photograph taken?
Which of the following is NOT a type of camera lens?
What term is used to describe the process of converting a digital image from the camera's raw data format to a viewable format?
What is the term used to describe the process of making a photograph appear larger or smaller in relation to the subject?
Which camera setting determines the sensitivity of the image sensor to light?
What is the term used to describe the adjustment of the camera's focal length to bring a subject into focus?
What is the term used to describe the process of producing an image on photosensitive paper using a negative?
Which photographer is known for his iconic images during the American Civil War?
Which photography technique involves capturing multiple images of the same scene at different focus distances and combining them for increased depth of field?
Who is considered the pioneer of street photography?
Who is credited with the invention of the first commercially successful photographic process, known as the daguerreotype?
Which photography technique involves deliberately overexposing an image to create a bright and dreamy effect?
What does the term 'bokeh' refer to in photography?
What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where a camera lens focuses light to create a sharp image?
Who is known for the development of the Zone System, a method for determining optimal exposure and development times in black and white photography?
Who is known for his groundbreaking series 'The Americans,' which captured the essence of American life in the 1950s?
Who is known for their iconic series 'Migrant Mother,' which captured the hardships faced by migrant farm workers during the Great Depression?