Forensic Psychology and Criminal Behavior Quiz

Explore forensic psychology principles, criminal behavior theories, and more with this quiz. Challenge yourself now!


Which of the following is NOT a principle of forensic psychology?

Understanding criminal behavior
Evaluating eyewitness testimony
Predicting the weather
Assessing competency to stand trial

What is the primary goal of criminal profiling?

To determine the weather conditions during a crime
To identify the psychological characteristics of an offender
To evaluate the quality of evidence in a criminal case
To provide legal representation to criminals

Which psychological theory suggests that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions?

Psychoanalytic theory
Biological theory
Social learning theory
Cognitive theory

What is the term used to describe the tendency for jurors to place undue weight on eyewitness testimony?

Confirmation bias
Halo effect
Selective attention
Availability heuristic

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon where individuals are more likely to comply with a request if it's preceded by a smaller request?

Reciprocity principle
Foot-in-the-door technique
Cognitive dissonance
Bystander effect

Which factor is NOT considered when evaluating eyewitness testimony reliability?

Distance between witness and perpetrator
Duration of the event
Number of eyewitnesses present
Emotional state of the witness

Which type of offender is characterized by meticulously planning their crimes and often showing no remorse?

Opportunistic offender
Expressive offender
Organized offender
Disorganized offender

Which approach to criminal behavior emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts and early childhood experiences?

Behavioral approach
Biological approach
Psychoanalytic approach
Cognitive approach

According to the M'Naghten Rule, what is required for a defendant to be found not guilty by reason of insanity?

They didn't know their actions were wrong
They were acting in self-defense
They were influenced by drugs or alcohol
They had a history of criminal behavior

What is the term used to describe the false belief that one has experienced events that, in reality, have not occurred?

Déjà vu

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor associated with juvenile delinquency?

Low socioeconomic status
High academic achievement
Peer influence
Parental neglect

What is the term used to describe a sudden and temporary episode of memory loss, often due to trauma or extreme stress?

Dissociative fugue

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of psychopathy?

Superficial charm
Lack of empathy
Heightened emotional responsiveness
Manipulative behavior

What is the term used to describe the concept that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present?

Bystander effect
Diffusion of responsibility
Social facilitation

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