Financial Services and Banking Features Quiz

Test your knowledge of banking with these questions on the primary functions and purposes of banks, financial services, and institutions like the Federal Reserve System.


What is the primary function of a bank?

To provide financial services
To issue credit cards
To manufacture currency
To provide legal advice

What is the purpose of financial services?

To provide loans
To manage money
To insure assets
All of the above

What is the purpose of a savings account?

To earn a high interest rate
To store money for short-term goals
To take out loans
To invest in the stock market

What is one of the primary functions of the Federal Reserve System?

To regulate the banking industry
To provide consumer loans
To issue credit cards
To manufacture currency

What is the main purpose of a credit union?

To provide financial services to specific groups
To provide loans only
To invest in the stock market
To issue credit cards

What is the purpose of a money market account?

To store money for short-term goals
To take out loans
To earn a high interest rate
To invest in the stock market

What is the primary function of an investment bank?

To provide consumer loans
To manage money
To issue credit cards
To facilitate the issuance of securities

What is the purpose of a certificate of deposit (CD)?

To store money for short-term goals
To take out loans
To earn a high interest rate
To invest in the stock market

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